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Michael Slabina | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

Thank you for visiting my galleries.

You will find impressions from recent travel to various parts of the world. I've used the following cameras: Nikon F501 (my first 20 years), Nikon Coolpix 775, Nikon Coolpix 5700, Nikon Coolpix 8800, Ricoh Caplio R6, Nikon Coolpix P80, Nikon Coolpix P100, Nikon Coolpix P510, Nikon Coolpix P300 and most recently Nikon D5300, Nikon Coolpix P900, and iPhone12 Pro Max.

If you like some of my galleries or photos, please feel free to vote for them or leave a message.

Take care,

A Selection
:: A Selection ::
Vienna (Wien), Austria
:: Vienna (Wien), Austria ::
Travel 2023
:: Travel 2023 ::
Travel 2022
:: Travel 2022 ::
Travel 2021
:: Travel 2021 ::
Travel 2020
:: Travel 2020 ::
Travel 2019
:: Travel 2019 ::
Travel 2018
:: Travel 2018 ::
Travel 2017
:: Travel 2017 ::
Travel 2016
:: Travel 2016 ::
Travel 2015
:: Travel 2015 ::
Travel 2014
:: Travel 2014 ::
Travel 2013
:: Travel 2013 ::
Travel 2012
:: Travel 2012 ::
Travel 2011
:: Travel 2011 ::
Travel 2010
:: Travel 2010 ::
Travel 2009
:: Travel 2009 ::
Travel 2008
:: Travel 2008 ::
Travel 2007
:: Travel 2007 ::
Travel 2006
:: Travel 2006 ::
Travel 2005
:: Travel 2005 ::
Travel 2004
:: Travel 2004 ::
Travel 2003
:: Travel 2003 ::
Travel 2002
:: Travel 2002 ::
Scotland 2000
:: Scotland 2000 ::
England 2000
:: England 2000 ::
England 1999
:: England 1999 ::
:: Rallye ::
World Travel Map
:: World Travel Map ::
Europe Travel Map
:: Europe Travel Map ::